Yes I was on Oprah!

And yes, I really spend $30 on food.  And today, a very nice woman said I look familiar, then she remembered (after I hinted--o.k. told her) that I was recently on Oprah.  And she confirmed (yes, she did) that she saw the show, more importantly, my segment.  Nonetheless, it is official my fifteen minutes have turned into true fame.  I am a celebrity now!  As a good PR pro, I am sharing my "good news" with as many friends and frenemies as possible.  Perhaps, I too will get a photo shoot in Vanity Fair like our precious, little Miley!  Can someone feed that child?  Was I the only one looking at her ribs through her back?  Miley repeat after me, eating food.. good, semi-nude pictures at 15... bad! 

1 comment:

ojosverde said...

Great insights. Thanks!